Almost two years ago now (#1, #2), I wrote about the idea of being able to modify the way Java handles the situation where a method is called on a null value. Normally this causes an exception; I was wanting such a call to return a null instead, so that the result is more like what happens with XPaths when a node in a path doesn't exist. For example, the XPath
doesn't cause a program exception if there is no <person> element, whereas
will throw an exception if "getDocument().getPerson()" returns null. These exceptions make it painful to use Java (etc.) for working with XML, because you end up with so many try/catch blocks to deal with of the places that an exception could possibly be thrown.
So, it was interesting when I stumbled across the fact that Groovy (a Java-based scripting language) solves this issue! Groovy has a "?." operator, which returns null if called on a null, and executes the method normally if called on an object, i.e. "a?.b" is equivalent to "a == null ? null : a.b". So
will return null if "getDocument()?.getPerson()" returns null. That makes Groovy (for this and other reasons) a better way to write your XML processing code in Java, if you are trying to keep your code as simple and maintainable as possible.