You probably haven't heard of the singer Terra Naomi. I have, because she's a friend of a friend. She recently moved to London from Los Angeles for a contract with Island Records. I haven't met her or anything (London's a big place), but I hear about her a lot.
There's a really interesting story about her upcoming appearance at the (sold out) "Live Earth" concert at Wembley in the UK (one of many "Live Earth" concerts at locations around the globe). Last year, after seeing Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth", she was inspired to write a song called "Say It's Possible". When Al Gore heard of the song, he apparently asked for her to be added to the list of performers for "Live Earth". How amazing is that!
Those of you who are part of the iTunes matrix can download the song; the rest of us refuseniks will have to wait for the CD (which is apparently in the works).
Another thing that surprised me was when I was sent some links to cover versions of Terra's songs that have been posted to YouTube. For an artist whose only broad exposure to date has been via MySpace and YouTube, I wouldn't have expected people to already be doing covers. I guess these social Web sites really are helping new talent to build up a fan base.
For those of you who play guitar (or similar), check out Terra's video on how she tunes her guitar for her song "Flesh For Bones". Myself, I struggle just to cope with a single tuning for my ukulele (which only has 4 strings), let along song-specific tunings. Then again, Terra's only using 3 strings for this song, perhaps that helps. Good thing I still have my day job ...