My father used to tell me about the benefits of being regular, and by that he meant a high fibre diet. I had similar thought today, when I realised that there seems to be a clear and noticeable correlation between how many hits this weblog receives from Google, and how frequently I have been posting recently. (Note the subtle etymological segue from bogging to blogging.)
The more I post, the more Google hits I get. Most of the traffic to my weblog is via Google, so it's fair to assume that my Google ranking is what controls the general trend in the day to day hit rate. Most hits aren't on the most recent content, so it isn't to do with my writing new stuff that everyone wants to read. Rather, it must be to do with how far my weblog posts are from the top of the Google search results.
I can understand why Google would want to favour fresh content, but I can also understand why some Web site administrators must find it frustrating. If I'm right about what is happening, then you can get the Google ranking of your weblog above the ranking of static sites with similar keywords by posting something regularly. I guess it doesn't even have to be good content. It just has to be regular. My father used to tell me about the benefits of being regular ...