The XML 2005 conference proceedings and presentations are now available. I encourage you to have a browse if you couldn't attend; it was a great conference.
For me, the 3 most memorable and noteworthy presentations, of those I had a chance to attend, were probably
- Henry S. Thompson: Names, Namespaces, XML Languages and XML Definition Languages (Proceedings | Presentation)
- Erik Meijer: XLinq: XML Programming Refactored (The Return Of The Monoids) (Proceedings | Paper)
- Henry S. Thompson: Functional XML: A preliminary sketch (Proceedings | Paper)
and congratulations to Henry Thompson for scoring 2 out of 3! The Microsoft XLinq stuff is also very cool. There are still open questions about what the approach should be for XML, but I give them a lot of credit for trying to think outside of the current boxes (no pun intended; Don Box has championed this work at Microsoft).
David Megginson will be chairing the XML 2006 conference which is in Boston in December (not Seattle as originally announced). Pity, I was hoping to get a chance to see Eve Maler and her band at one of their gigs in and around Seattle. Still, I haven't been to Boston either, so I'm looking forwards to seeing somewhere new in December. See you there, I hope!