Well, here's the funny thing. I wrote previously about how I had been having problems getting the Rosegarden sequencer and music editor to run under SUSE Linux 10. I haven't been able to find a fix for the problem as yet, but what I did discover is that it is mainly one of the supplied samples (unfortunately, the one I always use as my first test) which displays the problem. Many other pieces are not noticeably affected. So, I'm back using Rosegarden again, the latest version from CVS compiled on my laptop under SUSE 10.
I still highly recommend Rosegarden. Certainly it's given me a great way to write music using regular musical notation, which is the way I learned to do it at school. Note I said a great way to write music, rather than a way to write great music, but it's just something I do for my own interest and edification.
By the way, for editing digitised music samples (rather than MIDI sequences), I've started using Audacity, and it's pretty neat. It's also available for Windows and Mac, so it's probably the best (read only) multi-platform waveform editor available.
Anyway, I have things working again. It just remains to wish you all a Happy New Year! Have a great one.
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