For my XML 2005 conference paper, I decided to do SVG diagrams for the first time. I used the beta of StarOffice 8 (close cousin of OpenOffice 2) to do the figures and export them as SVG, and it did a good job. I'm not an artist, not at all, so don't expect much, but I thought they turned out well for the short amount of time they took me to create:
Now, both diagrams contain some text. However, when I viewed them in Opera 8.5, the text was gone! A quick check with IE6 (with the Adobe SVG plug-in) and with the Inkscape SVG editor showed that the text was in the SVG. So it's an Opera problem.
Luckily, as a purchaser of Opera, I have access to the premium support service, so I've logged the issue. Hopefully it won't be too long before they can deliver a fix. Text aside, SVG looks great in Opera without any need for a plug-in, so I'm sure they won't have any trouble with this issue.